What is a Fractional CMO

A fractional CMO is a marketing executive serving businesses by leading marketing strategy, sales development, growth opportunities, and heading the marketing department. Businesses use fractional CMO services because they do not need a full time CMO but still require expert strategy and leadership.

Businesses enjoy the flexibility that a fractional CMO provides. Often, it makes sense to bring in a fractional chief marketing officer as opposed to a full time-time CMO. This can be for financial reasons, as a typical full time CMO salary can cost more than $200,000 per year. Or because the work needed to be done by the CMO does not require a full-time position.


Why Would I Need A Fractional CMO?

Do Any of These Statements Apply to Your Business:

  • You are running your marketing team instead of being the CEO.
  • You are not sure what marketing strategies to try next.
  • Your customer journey is not clearly mapped with proper outreach tools being delivered at each step.
  • You are not sure what the actual ROI on each of the marketing channels where you spend money is.
  • Your current marketing attracts too many ‘price shoppers’ who are not looking for the quality you offer.
  • You have never taken the time, or had someone on your team that could develop a comprehensive marketing plan designed to help meet the business goals you have set.

As A Fractional CMO I Do These For You…

My 6 Step Implementation Process

Marketing Asset Audit Questionnaire

A survey of all current and past marketing collateral materials, digital pages, email sequences, paid advertising campaigns, etc.

Functional Marketing ® Systems Map

A “mind map” style graphic representing current and future mkt channels that comprise the customer journey. Every map is unique to the individual client’s target market(s).

Marketing Asset Audit Questionnaire

We’ll develop the Key Performance Indicators for your business, and create measurement and monitoring tools to track them; as well as identify the team members responsible.

Fast Cash Campaigns

What underutilized assets are in place now that can be quickly turned into sales? These might be customer lists, old inventory, business or vendor relationships, etc.

Development of Marketing Plan(s)

Within the first 30 days we’ll develop the outbound marketing plan for the initial 90-day sprint. During that time we will work with you to create a full 2-year comprehensive plan.

Budget Analysis & Prioritization

What funds have been allocated to marketing, brand identification, and business growth? How can they best be implemented to maximize ROI?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why hire a fractional CMO instead of a marketing agency?

Marketing agencies focus on selling their services. A Fractional CMO will start by understanding your longer term vision for your business, then designing a strategic marketing plan to help you achieve those goals. Depending on the proficiency of your in-house team, your Fractional may engage with an agency to provide specific components of the strategic plan and hold them accountable to achieve results.

How long will you work with us?
A typical engagement is between 3 and 6 months. Depending on the needs of the client a Fractional CMO may continue to be involved for a longer term.

Can you help us find a permanent marketing director?

Of course, if that is what you decide is best for your company. Once we have developed the multi-year plan if you would prefer to have someone “on site” to execute then we can help you identify and retain the best person.

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